Our Village is a "Home Rule" Community governed by the Illinois Constitution. Our Village ordinances can be seen at https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/golfil/latest/overview. Since the Village is so small, we've had a volunteer government for most of our history. The Village Board meets on the second Monday of every month at the Village Hall and Meeting Agendas can be found on this site or posted in the Village Post Office. Each of our six Trustees has separate responsibilities and functions like department heads while our Village Administrator, Michelle Shapiro, handles most of the day to day work of the Village. See the table below for a complete list of Officials with their contact information or you can download a copy of the contact list using this link:
Robert Farr r.farr@villageofgolf.us
Emergency Services: Jim Dominik j.dominik@villageofgolf.us
Streets & Sanitation: Tony Kalogerakos t.kalogerakos@villageofgolf.us
Water & Utilities: Ross Landman r.landman@villageofgolf.us
Finance & Administration: Mark Miller m.miller@villageofgolf.us
Building & Zoning: Julie Tillman j.tillman@villageofgolf.us
Public Buildings & Grounds: Ed Shine e.shine@villageofgolf.us
Treasurer: Kelly Zabinski treasurer@villageofgolf.us
Village Officials:
Administrator: Michelle Shapiro administrator@villageofgolf.us
Clerk: Mary Osman m.osman@villageofgolf.us
Building Commissioner: Bob Hammer bldgcomm@villageofgolf.us
Police Chief: Dennis McEnerney d.mcenerney@villageofgolf.us
Civic Association: golfcivicboard@gmail.com
Zoning Board of Appeals: zba@villageofgolf.us
Trees and Landscaping: administrator@villageofgolf.us